venerdì 21 marzo 2014

Debunk a myth

3rd CC speech
Organize the speech in a manner that best achieves those purposes.
Ensure the beginning, body, and conclusion reinforce the purpose.
Project sincerity and conviction and control any nervousness you may feel.
Strive not to use notes.
I saw in January an animated film that won the Oscar on 2nd of March for Best Animated Feature. Some critics said that it's the most successful Disney movie of all times due to its topic which emphasizes that ... Falling in love is NOT love.
This may sound interesting to you ^_^

In the Frozen animation, it shows explicitly that love means, among other things:
- To put the other's needs before your needs;
- To sacrifice for the loved person.

Generally the love starts with the falling in love process.
  • What does falling in love mean?
A cocktail of powerful emotions and a mix of hormones that attract you to an unique experience that each of you, everyone should taste at least once in life.
It’s really cool to be in love. The problem is that people confuse between infatuation and love.
The foolest thing people do is to make decisions with long-lasting effect on their lives based on this cocktail of emotions and hormones of the falling in love process that begins to consume with the time.
Relatively quickly. Around 12-24 months. And naturaly is coming to happen to fall in love with someone else. This is how it works in the entire nature, in many species.
Although in the majority species of mammals, there is the meeting of male with the female, they do the mating dance, make a nest, procreate, take care for their babies until grow and IT’S DONE. Each of them after has his own business until the cycle is repeated, usually with different partners.
Guess what?
Human being is built anatomical, biological, hormonal, emotional, just like the rest of the mammals..
So, it’s naturally correct that after a period you were in love with a person, the fall in love fade, and more, it is normal to fall in love with a new person.
  • But where is the human dilemma?
The dilemma is that based on these beautiful emotions, strong and transient, people swear to die, to be faithful just for the relationship they are in and that they will be honest and will feel anything, never, for another one than for their partner...
All this is coming from lack of knowledge and proper education, not from unwillingness, that will be revealed relatively quickly, in a few years when one or both partners will cheat, or at divorce. If this situation is hidden well, it may take many years, but the paid price of it is huge:
Depression, unhappiness, disconfort, all due to the fact that the individual is not honest with himself and behaves as he thinks might be looking good socialy, denying his true nature.

The dissimilarity between falling in love and love, is that Love is our salvation.
Love is never reserved to a single person.
A human being with a heart full of love, sees everything that is beautiful around, is optimistic and shares it full-hearted.
The human being who loves, loves nature and animals, and life, and parents and neighbour...
The beauty of love is that in love cannot exist distress.
Pain in love is only the suffering because of the emotions caused by infatuation. Jealousy does not exist in love, but only when we fall in love. As possessivenes.
We need the fall in love feeling. We need sexuality and couple relationships.
But in the same time we need to recognize that there are two very different feelings. Love is like oxygen, falling in love like water. But when it's too much water it's flooding and we can't breath.

“We have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that. It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes, it stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month or a year. So don't fear love when it comes simply because it makes you vulnerable. But don't be surprised when it leaves either. Just be glad you had the opportunity to experience it.”― says Neil Strauss, a pick-up artist, in his book "The Game".

So, live love and falling in love unfrightened, without taking long-term decisions based on what you feel now. The emotions change in time. After the honeymoon follows the everyday reality and the stomach butterflies will leave.
Enjoy to the maximum when you fall in love and do all the craziest things that comes to your head less than two:
*do not marry after one week you met the "love of your life", and
*do not produce offspring
Marriage & children does not solve none of the problems of your relationship when your crush ends, but only bring additional suffering.
- Love wholeheartedly. Marry & have children, but after at least two years living with partner. Marriage and children are decisions with long term effect on your life and you’re not allowed to do it based on fleeting emotions.

What can I recommend to you now are the following two things:
* Go and see the Frozen animation :)
* Read "The Game" and go out into the field to discover yourself, and to love.

I wish you much love,
Lumi :)

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